Final Payment

Use this form to complete your registration for the Chamber Music Summer School Mount Buller.
PLEASE transfer your balance by 3rd December 2023 – $1150 or $1300 for single room option

BSB 033 095 Account 21-1070.
A/C name: Chamber Music Summer School Mount Buller.
Make sure you identify the sender

    Your Name (required)

    Your Email (required)

    Other group members

    Works to be studied

    Dietary requirements


    If yes, please outline

    Transport details

    Driving my own car and already have passengers.
    Who are you bringing?

    Driving and can take others.
    How many?

    I require a lift from (suburb)

    Arriving by plane from interstate and would like a lift from the airport to Buller.

    Flight details

    Arriving from interstate 1 or more days before Buller and require a lift from somewhere in Melbourne.
    Which suburb?


    Prefer single room. (Not guaranteed, but may be possible. Add $150 to the final payment)
    Yes pleaseNo thanks

    Like to share a room with anyone in particular? Not fussyYes